------- Comment #7 from  2009-03-30 04:27 -------
(In reply to comment #5)
> A common convention (that I mistakenly assumed was followed here) is to mark a
> bug fixed when the latest version fixes it.

It's a convention as long as you realise that DMD 1.x and DMD 2.x are distinct
products, and so the version numbers are not in a single, common chronological
order.  If you look at the changelog, you'll see that 1.041 and 2.026 were even
released on the same day.

For a bug to be called fixed, it must be fixed in both the latest D1 compiler
(versions 1.x) and the latest D2 compiler (versions 2.x).  The only exception
is when the nature of the bug makes it applicable only to D1 or only to D2.


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