Summary: std.demangle example does not work
           Product: D
           Version: 2.027
          Platform: PC
        OS/Version: Linux
            Status: NEW
          Severity: normal
          Priority: P2
         Component: Phobos

mang.d(10): Error: function core.stdc.stdio.fgetc (_iobuf* stream) does not
match parameter types (File)
mang.d(10): Error: cannot implicitly convert expression (stdin) of type File to
mang.d(19): Error: function std.demangle.demangle (immutable(char)[] name) does
not match parameter types (char[])
mang.d(19): Error: cannot implicitly convert expression (buffer) of type char[]
to immutable(char)[]

The former can be solved by importing std.c.stdio and using std.c.stdio.stdin
in the call to fgetc.

The latter problem is probably best resolved by having demangle take a
const(char)[] rather than a string; otherwise the example program does a *lot*
more allocation.

And while we're at it, we could use a keyword for documentation.


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