Summary: std.zlib.UnCompress errors if buffer is reused
           Product: D
           Version: 1.046
          Platform: x86
        OS/Version: Windows
            Status: NEW
          Severity: normal
          Priority: P2
         Component: Phobos

I've just been trying to read zlib-compressed data from a file and decompress
it block by block, but it kept throwing a ZlibException, when the same data
successfully decompresses if done in one go.  I've spent ages reducing the

import, std.stdio, std.zlib;

const size_t BLOCK_SIZE = 1024;

void main(string[] a) {
    scope File file = new File(a[1], FileMode.In);
    scope UnCompress uc = new UnCompress;
    void[] ucData;
    ubyte[] block = new ubyte[BLOCK_SIZE];

    while (!file.eof) {
        block.length =;
        ucData ~= uc.uncompress(block);
    ucData ~= uc.flush();
    writefln("Finished: %d", ucData.length);
C:\Users\Stewart\Documents\Programming\D\Tests\bugs>rdmd zlib_blocks.d comp.bin
Error: data error

I then found that, if I move the declaration of block inside the while loop
(thereby reallocating it each time), then it works.

Finished: 16790

Presumably, when the second block is fed to UnCompress, it tries to read data
from the first block as well by re-reading the original memory location.  But
this memory has been overwritten with the second block.  In other words,
UnCompress is keeping and relying on a reference to memory it doesn't own.

You could argue that this is a limitation of the zlib implementation and it's
the caller's responsibility to keep the blocks separate in memory.  But such a
limitation would have to be documented.

According to a quick test, alternating between two buffers seems to work. 
Assuming that it does work in the general case, a possible solution is to add
something like this to the documentation for std.zlib.UnCompress.uncompress:

"The contents of buf must not be changed between this call and the next call to
uncompress.  Thus the buffer may not be immediately re-used for the next block
of compressed data; however, alternating between two buffers is permissible."

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