--- Comment #1 from Trass3r <> 2010-06-03 14:42:23 PDT ---
This is an (inefficient) workaround, but it does its job until this is fixed.

import std.string : format;
string myformat(T...)(T ts)
    string res;

    foreach (t; ts)
        static if (is (typeof(t) U : U*) && !is(U == void)) // is a pointer
            res ~= myformat(*t);
        else static if (is (typeof(t) == struct))
            res ~= "{";
            foreach(i, el; t.tupleof)
                res ~= t.tupleof[i].stringof[2..$] ~ ":" ~ myformat(el); // the
slice cuts off the "t." that is always prepended
                static if (i < t.tupleof.length-1)
                    res ~= ", ";
            res ~= "}";
            res ~= format(t);

    return res;

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