--- Comment #1 from Shin Fujishiro <> 2010-10-24 02:05:22 PDT 
The current ClassDeclaration uses the following black list for masking
attributes to propagate over its members:
sc->stc &= ~(STCfinal | STCauto | STCscope | STCstatic |
             STCabstract | STCdeprecated | STC_TYPECTOR | STCtls | STCgshared);
sc->stc |= storage_class & STC_TYPECTOR;

The following STCs pass the black list:

  STCextern, STCparameter, STCfield, STCoverride, STCsynchronized,
  STCin, STCout, STClazy, STCforeach, STCcomdat, STCvariadic,
  STCctorinit, STCtemplateparameter, STCref, STCinit, STCmanifest,
  STCnodtor, STCnothrow, STCpure, STCalias, STCproperty, STCsafe,
  STCtrusted, STCsystem, STCctfe, STCdisable, STCresult.

Currently, the STCs above are propagated inside a class.  Some STCs such as
STCparameter and STCout cannot be applied to class declarations; removing such
insignificant STCs, I got the following list:

  STCextern, STCoverride, STCsynchronized, STCref, STCnothrow,
  STCpure, STCproperty, STCsafe, STCtrusted, STCsystem, STCdisable.

Among them, the only STCs with which propagation makes sense are:

  STCsynchronized, STCnothrow, STCpure, STCsafe, STCtrusted,
  STCsystem, STCdisable.

Other STCs such as STCoverride should not be propagated (the reported problem).

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