Summary: Template this parameter cannot be made implicit, when
                    other parameters are explicitly given
           Product: D
           Version: D2
          Platform: All
        OS/Version: All
            Status: NEW
          Keywords: rejects-valid
          Severity: normal
          Priority: P2
         Component: DMD

--- Comment #0 from 2011-04-25 14:10:27 PDT ---
Test case:

struct K {
    void get1(this T)() const {
        pragma(msg, T);
    void get2(int N=4, this T)() const {
        pragma(msg, N, " ; ", T);

void main() {
    K km;
    const(K) kc;
    immutable(K) ki;
    km.get1;        // OK
    kc.get1;        // OK
    ki.get1;        // OK
    km.get2;        // OK
    kc.get2;        // OK
    ki.get2;        // OK
    km.get2!(1, K);               // Ugly
    kc.get2!(2, const(K));        // Ugly
    ki.get2!(3, immutable(K));    // Ugly
    km.get2!8;    // Error
    kc.get2!9;    // Error
    ki.get2!10;   // Error
4 ; K
4 ; const(K)
4 ; immutable(K)
1 ; K
2 ; const(K)
3 ; immutable(K)
x.d(23): Error: template instance get2!(8) does not match template declaration
get2(int N = 4,this T)

The template this parameter is supposed to pick up the type of this at the
instantiation site, and should be implicitly defined. But when other template
parameters are present, and they are not implicitly determined, the compiler
will somehow ignore the fact that T is a TemplateThisParameter, and requires
user to fill it out manually.

This also affects operator overloading, e.g.

import std.stdio;

struct K {
    int opUnary(string op:"-", this T)() const {
        return 0;

void main() {
    K km;
    auto a = -km;  // Error
x.d(11): Error: template instance opUnary!("-") does not match template
declaration opUnary(string op : "-",this T)

I think issue 5393 is a special case of this too.

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