Summary: ICE in Statement::blockExit
           Product: D
           Version: D2
          Platform: All
        OS/Version: All
            Status: NEW
          Keywords: ice-on-invalid-code, ice-on-valid-code
          Severity: normal
          Priority: P2
         Component: DMD

--- Comment #0 from Trass3r <> 2011-12-10 11:51:14 PST ---
struct Matrix(T)

    int opApply(scope int delegate(ref size_t, ref T) ) { }
    int opApply(scope int delegate(ref const(size_t), ref const(T)) )  { }

    Matrix!() opBinary()    {
        foreach (i, ref val; this)
mixin("result[i] = val " ~ op ~ " other[i];");         return result;

void main() { auto m = Matrix!size_t; }

$ dmd -c test2.d 
test2.d(7): Error: template instance Matrix!() Matrix!() does not match
template declaration Matrix(T)
test2.d(7): Error: Matrix!() is used as a type
test2.d(4): Error: function test2.Matrix!(ulong).Matrix.opApply has no return
statement, but is expected to return a value of type int
test2.d(5): Error: function test2.Matrix!(ulong).Matrix.opApply has no return
statement, but is expected to return a value of type int
test2.d(8): Error: cannot uniquely infer foreach argument types
test2.d(9): Error: undefined identifier result
mixin("result[i] = val " ~ op ~ " other[i];");

dmd: statement.c:144: virtual int Statement::blockExit(bool): Assertion `0'

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