--- Comment #10 from Stephan Dilly <> 2011-12-30 04:30:43 
PST ---
ok smallest testcase so far:

module main;
import std.stdio;
struct BinaryHeap(T){
    T[] m_data;
    public void insert(T _val){
        m_data[$-1] = _val;
        if(m_data.length == 1) return;
    public void opOpAssign(string s)(T _val){
        if(s == "~") 
    public T front(){
        return m_data[0];    
    public bool isEmpty() const{
        return (m_data.length == 0);    
void main(string[] argv)
    BinaryHeap!int foo;
    foo ~= 10;

dont forget to build with: dmd -inline -release -noboundscheck -deps=foo.dep

and just for kicks: while reducing the test case some unrelated changes made
the crash become a choke up of "Out of Memory"

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