Summary: File#write formats enum as a boolean.
           Product: D
           Version: D2
          Platform: All
        OS/Version: All
            Status: NEW
          Severity: regression
          Priority: P2
         Component: Phobos

--- Comment #0 from Masahiro Nakagawa <> 2012-04-08 
07:14:50 PDT ---
Test code is below:

enum EI : int
    A, B

enum ED : double
    A, B

writeln(EI.A);   // false, but A on 2.058
writeln(EI.B);   // true, but B on 2.058
writeln(ED.A);  // A
writeln(ED.B);  // B

The reason of this bug is isBoolean template returns true.
(BooleanTypeOf template returns "immutable(bool)").

std.stdio.File#write's code:

    void write(S...)(S args)
        auto w = lockingTextWriter;
        foreach (arg; args)
            alias typeof(arg) A;
            static if (isSomeString!A)
                put(w, arg);
            else static if (isIntegral!A)
                toTextRange(arg, w);
            else static if (isBoolean!A)  // Oops! enum into this block.
                put(w, arg ? "true" : "false");
            else static if (isSomeChar!A)
                put(w, arg);
                // Most general case
                std.format.formattedWrite(w, "%s", arg);

This bug is major issue for me.

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