--- Comment #1 from Adam D. Ruppe <> 2012-08-11 
15:55:47 PDT ---
Oh, wait a minute on the From thing... I guess the headers can be part of the
message. That's actually good, makes it easier to use for fancier things.

Might want to change the documentation: it says "Sets the message body text."
but if it can include headers as well, might want to note that.

I'm not sure how curl does the separation... but eh however it works we should
make it clear.

    smtp.message = "X-Test: awesome
Content-Type: text/html


X-Test: awesome

[-- text/html is unsupported (use 'v' to view this part) --]

So yeah those took as headers.

But this is getting a little off topic... the dot escaping needs to be done

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