Summary: map, filter, iota and zip in pure (and nothrow)
           Product: D
           Version: D2
          Platform: x86
        OS/Version: Windows
            Status: NEW
          Keywords: rejects-valid
          Severity: normal
          Priority: P2
         Component: Phobos

--- Comment #0 from 2012-10-23 16:43:44 PDT ---
This is not an enhancement request, I think of it as a bug report. This is a
spinoff of Issue 8878

To make functional programming in D a better experience, the following
functions should be usable in a pure (and possibly nothrow) context:

import std.algorithm: map, filter;
import std.range: iota, zip;
void main() pure nothrow {
    auto m = map!q{a * a}([1, 2, 3]);
    auto f = filter!q{ a > 1 }([1, 2, 3]);
    auto i = iota(1, 10, 2);
    auto z = zip([1, 2, 3], [10, 20, 30]);

DMD 2.061alpha gives:

test.d(4): Error: pure function 'main' cannot call impure function 'map'
test.d(5): Error: pure function 'main' cannot call impure function 'filter'
test.d(6): Error: pure function 'main' cannot call impure function 'iota'
test.d(7): Error: pure function 'main' cannot call impure function 'zip'
test.d(4): Error: map is not nothrow
test.d(5): Error: filter is not nothrow
test.d(6): Error: iota is not nothrow
test.d(7): Error: zip is not nothrow
test.d(3): Error: function D main 'main' is nothrow yet may throw

Note: zip() accepts a StoppingPolicy, so this can't be nothrow:

import std.range: zip, StoppingPolicy;
void main() pure {
    auto z = zip(StoppingPolicy.requireSameLength, [1,2,3], [10,20]);
    foreach (t; z) {} // throws

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