Summary: CTFE: wrong code with delegates, recursion
           Product: D
           Version: unspecified
          Platform: All
        OS/Version: All
            Status: NEW
          Keywords: CTFE, wrong-code
          Severity: normal
          Priority: P2
         Component: DMD

--- Comment #0 from Nils <> 2013-02-19 16:49:00 PST 
CTFE: wrong code with delegates, recursion

Probably two symptoms of the same cause:

A) infinite loop
cat > test_a.d <<code
void main() {
    assert(go() == 1); // passes
    enum e = go(); // infinite loop
int go() {
    int result;
    S().into((s) {result = s;});
    return result;
struct S {
    void into(void delegate(int) sink) {
        put(sink, R(true));
struct R {
    bool set;
    void into(void delegate(int) sink) {
        if(set) put(sink, R(false));
        else sink(1);
// a lengthy way to write r.into(sink)
void put(void delegate(int) sink, R r) {
    r.into((s) {sink(s);});
dmd test_a.d
test_a.d(24): Error: delegate test_a.put.__lambda4!(int).__lambda4 CTFE
recursion limit exceeded
test_a.d(24):        called from here: sink(s)
test_a.d(24):        994 recursive calls to function __lambda4
test_a.d(19):        called from here: sink(1)
test_a.d(24):        called from here: r.into(delegate void(int s)
test_a.d(18):        called from here: put(sink, R(false))
test_a.d(24):        called from here: r.into(delegate void(int s)
test_a.d(12):        called from here: put(sink, R(true))
test_a.d(7):        called from here: S().into(delegate void(int s)
result = s;
test_a.d(3):        called from here: go()

B) variable of enclosing scope doesn't get set
cat > test_b.d <<code
void main() {
    assert(go() == 1); // passes
    enum e = go();
int go() {
    int result;
    R(true).into((s) {result = s;});
    return result;
struct R {
    bool set;
    void into(void delegate(int) sink) {
        int result = -1;
        if(set) {
            R(false).into((s) {
                result = s;
                assert(result == 1); // passes
            assert(result == 1); // fails in CTFE
        } else sink(1);
dmd test_b.d
test_b.d(19): Error: assert(result == 1) failed
test_b.d(7):        called from here: R(true).into(delegate void(int s)
result = s;
test_b.d(3):        called from here: go()

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