--- Comment #1 from anonymous4 <> ---
Looks like it can be solved by smart enough container constructors.
See this quick PoC:
struct Container(T)
        T value;
        inout(T) get() inout
                return value;

/// Smart constructor
auto makeContainer(T)(T arg)
        alias E=typeof(cast()arg[0]);
        static if(is(T==inout(E)[]))
                return inout(Container!(E[]))(arg);
                return Container!T(arg);

auto f(inout int[] a)
        return makeContainer(a);

void g(immutable int[] a)
        auto b=f(a);
        immutable Container!(int[]) c=b;
        immutable int[] d=c.get;
        immutable int[] e=b.get;
        //static assert(false,typeof(b).stringof);

void g(int[] a)
        auto b=f(a);
        Container!(int[]) c=b;
        int[] d=c.get;
        int[] e=b.get;
        //static assert(false,typeof(b).stringof);


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