On Sun, 29 Mar 2009 17:43:51 +0200, torhu wrote:

> On 29.03.2009 17:04, chris wrote:
>> Alright so I'm not too familiar with building D or having to build
>> multiple files from the command line (Java usually takes care of that).
>> Basically I have a small game I put together as  a test project. Here's
>> the structure:
>> clo/clo.d
>> clo/Main.d
>> clo/common/GameState.d
>> clo is in module clo , while GameState is in module clo.common.
>> Main.d imports both clo and clo.common
>> I'm using the latest 'Easy D' installation on windows (so I've been
>> building simple single files with dsss build (filename). I'm just
>> assuming building Main.d would grab the other stuff and build that
>> (like Java or C#), but I get the following.
> [...]
>> C:\Users\me\Projects\clo>  dsss build -v Main.d clo.d commo
>> n\GameState.d
> I don't know if dsss supports building without a config file.  Just
> doing 'rebuild Main.d' should work.  Or 'dmd Main.d clo.d
> common\GameState.d'.
> Make sure that Gamestate.d has a 'module common.GameState;' declaration.

Yes DSSS can build without a conf file. I think it basically passes the 
command to rebuild.

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