Attempting to compile the following from snippet

    auto r = iota(0, 10, 1);
    assert(equal(r, [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9][]));

from the documentation, I encountered following error

range.d(1184): Error: this._input.opIndex(index) is not an lvalue

Looking at the code I find "return _input[index];" on line 1184. The variable _input is defined as R _input in the template Take(R) which is the template instantiated to create iota. Problem is, it is not obvious why this doesn't work since the Range data variable "_input" is accessed the same way on multiple occasions throughout the file, a Range variable can obviously supports random access, and no attempt is being made to modify the range at this point in the code. Any information would be greatly appreciated?

Thanks in advance,

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