Simen Kjaeraas wrote:
Sam Huwrote:

Q4.In the delegate somFnExp:front(),popFront,empty() are all not defined??Anyway it is not an interface ,so why it is allowed?

Basically, is(typeof(X)) is D magic.

One could interpret it as 'is X a valid type', or perhaps more
correctly as 'does X compile'. So if SomeFnExp does something it
is not allowed to (e.g. call popFront on something that has no
popFront), it will return false.

If I were to write this code without is(typeof()) around it:

 R r;
 if (r.empty) {}
 auto h = r.front;

It might seem a strange piece of code, but there is nothing
inherently wrong with it. empty, popFront and front are
expected members of R, and will give a compilation error if R
does not follow the interface (note: not as in a D interface, but
as in exposing the correct functions to the outside world).



is(typeof({ XXXXXX }())

Evaluates to a boolean meaning "does a function containing XXXXXX compile". Its purpose here is to find out if r has "empty", "popFront" and "front". This is placed inside a template that has one member that is the name of the template, so it ends up that:


just becomes a boolean that's true if R has "empty", "popFront", and "front", and false if it doesn't.

... C++ template hacks are worse. Really. Usually.

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