Thu, 23 Jul 2009 04:11:14 +0000 (UTC), BCS wrote:

> Hello Sergey,
>> Is there a way to declare and statically initialize some sort of
>> pointer to method, and later call it for an actual object instance?
> dosn't work but might point you in the right direction:
> template Pn2Fn(R, char[] method)
> {
>      ReturnTypeOf!(mixin("R." ~ method)) Pn2Fn(R r, ArgsOf!(mixin("R." ~ 
> method)) args)
>      {
>           return mixin("r."~method~"(args);");
>      }
> }

Thanks for the advice.  The following code actually works:

import std.stdio;

struct Handler(T)
  string name;
  void function(T instance) handler;

class A
  void method1() { writefln("method1"); }
  void method2() { writefln("method2"); }

  void call(int i)


  static Handler!(A)[] LOOKUP_TABLE =
    { "method1", &callMethod!("method1") },
    { "method2", &callMethod!("method2") }

  static void callMethod(string name)(A instance)
    mixin("instance." ~ name ~ "();");

void main()
  A a = new A;;;

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