sybrandy Wrote:

> On 02/03/2010 12:03 AM, Rainer Deyke wrote:
> > sybrandy wrote:
> >> 1) I use the current core.thread library and put all my messages in a
> >> buffer that the thread checks periodically, pulls off a new message, and
> >> then writes it to a file.  There will be some work to make sure nothing
> >> collides with each other, but I think I can manage it.
> >
> > Wouldn't this allow logging messages to be lost before a hard crash?  To
> > me, that would greatly reduce the utility of the logging system.
> If done improperly, yes, it would.  My hope is that if I did go with 
> this method, I would try to find a way to ensure no data was lost. 
> Oddly enough, I'm currently having that problem with the single-threaded 
> version for some reason.  The test program will stop and some of the 
> logging statements never make it to the file.
> >
> >> 3) Something else.  I really don't have much experience with threading,
> >> so I'm being very careful and really want to understand it.  This
> >> library looks to be a good way to learn, however if it's not the best
> >> way to do things, then what would be?
> >
> > Global mutex associated with the logging system.  Lock, output, unlock.
> >   There are scalability issues with that approach, but I don't see why it
> > wouldn't work in this situation.  (Plus, if you have a message queue,
> > you probably need to protect that queue with a mutex anyway.)
> >
> >
> Understood.  My goal is that if I do put the writing in another thread, 
> I do my best to ensure it will scale.  I have a tendency to put a lot of 
> logging statements in code when I'm trying to debug something, so I 
> don't want to slow things down too much nor do I want to lose anything. 
>   In short: I want the log writing to be as out of the way as possible.
> Casey

I second Rainer. A logging system should commit (at least) error messages 
immediately, particularly if the application has multiple threads. Otherwise it 
is going to make debugging a crashing system a nightmare.  When I do it I just 
stick 'synchronized' in front of the statement that does the write.

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