I took splitlines from std.string, which is a simple, short method.

S[] splitlines(S)(S s)
    size_t istart;
    auto result = Appender!(S[])();

    foreach (i; 0 .. s.length)
        immutable c = s[i];
        if (c == '\r' || c == '\n')
            result.put(s[istart .. i]);
            istart = i + 1;
            if (c == '\r' && i + 1 < s.length && s[i + 1] == '\n')
    if (istart != s.length)
        result.put(s[istart .. $]);

    return result.data;

I guess it takes less than 30 seconds to fully understand this method. Then I rap.. I mean refactored it to this:

S[] mysplitlines(S)(S s)
    const CR = '\r';
    const LF = '\n';

    size_t istart;

    auto result = Appender!(S[])();

    foreach (i; 0 .. s.length)
        immutable c = s[i];

        immutable isCR = (c == CR);
        immutable isLF = (c == LF);

        if (isCR || isLF)
            auto line = s[istart .. i];

            istart = i + 1;

            // Might be CRLF. In that case we need to consume LF too
            if (isCR)
                immutable hasMoreCharacters = (i + 1 < s.length);
                immutable nextIsLF = hasMoreCharacters && (s[i + 1] == LF);
                immutable isCRLF = isCR && nextIsLF;

                if (isCRLF)

    immutable lineNotEmpty = (istart != s.length);
    if (lineNotEmpty)
        auto lastLine = s[istart .. $];

    return result.data;

Yes, I'm reading some books now and don't have much experience :)

It went from a small 26 line, very readable function to 48 lines (85% increase!) with many more temporary variables..

So... Do you think this kind of code is (more) readable, or just way too verbose and doing more harm than good?

And will the compiler generate slower code, or should the optimizer be able to inline the temporaries?

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