On 13/11/2010 20:02, spir wrote:
On Sat, 13 Nov 2010 17:27:08 +0000
div0<d...@sourceforge.net>  wrote:

How about "associative array literal" then? Regardless of what you call
it I shouldn't get an assertion failure.

True. It's been fixed in dmd2 though, you get:

Error: Integer constant expression expected instead of ""

When it's auto the compiler thinks you are doing static initialisation
of a flat array, not an AA. You have to do what Ellery said.

But the compiler (D2) accepts nested aa literals remaining anonymous:
     writeln(["a" : ["b" : "c"]]);        // -->  "a:b:c"
(where "auto aa = ..." fails)

-- -- -- -- -- -- --
vit esse estrany ☣


yeah, but dmd's parser was written by hand so it's not surprising there are inconsistency's with what works where.

I finally found the bit where it describes associative array literals and they look identical to initialising a flat array, so god only knows which one gets picked when. It would be better if they where made different.

My enormous talent is exceeded only by my outrageous laziness.

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