On 12/18/2010 10:46 PM, Jonathan M Davis wrote:
On Saturday 18 December 2010 13:22:52 Joost 't Hart wrote:

(also posted on news.gmane.org, but does not seem to appear there)

New to this group and to D, but getting "into" it fast.


Came across a problem.

2.050 / Linux

1) On windows we can get any (std.concurrency, which is what I use in my
project) thread to sleep using Sleep() from core.sys.windows.windows. I
cannot find the alternative under Linux...

Is there one?

You're using the wrong function (see http://is.gd/iYySf ). The correct function
is core.Thread.sleep(). It works on both Windows and Linux. It's a static
function which should work just fine regardless of whether you're using Thread
directly or using spawn().

Thanks Jonathan!

After another minute of eyebrowing I got it working:

import core.thread;
void mySleep( long tim_in_millisecs )
    // No, not a simple ::sleep, and please do care about those numbers!
    Thread.sleep( tim_in_millisecs * 10_000 );

Quoting the documentation:

/Suspends the calling thread for at least the supplied period./

What does "at least" mean here? Is there also an "at most"? I do not want my friend to end up in cyberspace. :-)

I guess part (2) of my original posting still stands as a candidate bug?


- Jonathan M Davis

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