On Saturday, 4 April 2020 at 14:40:16 UTC, Baby Beaker wrote:

#!/usr/bin/env dub
/+ dub.sdl:
   name "hello_vibed"
   dependency "vibe-d" version="~>0.8.0"
import vibe.vibe;
import std;


First of all try using the latest vibe.d release instead:
/+ dub.sdl:
   name "hello_vibed"
   dependency "vibe-d" version="~>0.9.0-alpha.2"

then additionally try installing Visual C++ 2015 runtime: https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=48145

and after you done that and it still doesn't work, try using ldc2. It should definitely work at that point when VC++ 2015 runtime is installed then.

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