On 5/7/20 8:33 AM, Ben Jones wrote:> I was doing some metaprogramming where I wanted to make a slice of a type:


> alias Ts = AliasSeq!int;
> pragma(msg, Ts);
> alias Tsa = Ts[];
> pragma(msg, Tsa);
> //prints (int), (int)
> which confused me until I realized that the [] was slicing the tuple.
> Note, you can add as many [] as you want since it's basically a no-op.


> Is there any use for this behavior?

Slicing an alias sequence is definitely useful e.g. in recursive templates:

  alias car = T[0];      // (head)
  alias cdr = T[1..$];   // (tail)

> It seems like it might be worth
> warning like "slicing a tuple is a no-op"

The trouble seems to be when slicing the entire tuple. Even in that case, printing a warning would not be desired in some situations ironically in generic code where e.g. T[0..$] may appear, which is the same as T[].


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