I want to get the UDAs for for a function parameter. Here the test code and I got some errors:

source/app.d(29,33): Error: first argument is not a symbol
source/app.d(39,15): Error: template instance app.test!(ClassA) error instantiating

How can I fix this? Would this be a bug? Thanks.

import std.stdio;
import std.traits;
import std.meta;

struct Length {
    int a;
    int b;

class ClassA {
    void test(@Length(1, 9) int len, @Length(2, 4) int size) {
        writeln("It's OK");

    void test(string name) {
        writeln("Can't be compiled");

string test(T)() {
    string str;
    alias currentMembers = __traits(getOverloads, T, "test");

    static foreach(member; currentMembers) {{
        alias Params = Parameters!(member);
        static foreach(i; 0 .. Params.length)
            alias ThisParameter =  Params[i .. i + 1];
static foreach(uda; __traits(getAttributes, ThisParameter)) {
                str ~= uda.stringof ~  "\n";

    return str;

void main() {
    enum aa = test!(ClassA);

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