On Tuesday, 9 June 2020 at 23:53:16 UTC, Q. Schroll wrote:
Is there any particular reason why std.range : enumerate is a thing and

    foreach (i, e; range) { ... }

doesn't work from the get-go? I wouldn't have such an issue with it if static foreach would work with enumerate just fine. As far as I can tell,

    foreach (e; range) { ... }

is being lowered to

    for (auto _range = range; !_range.empty; _range.popFront)
        auto e = _range.front;

So why cant DMD rewrite

    foreach (i, e; range) { ... }


for (auto _range = range, index = size_t(0); !_range.empty; _range.popFront, ++index)
        size_t i = index;
        auto e = _range.front;

Doesn't seem like a big deal, does it? I'm asking because I suspect there's an odd reason I have no idea and I whish to be educated.

It's a bit more complicated though as you need to avoid subtle breakage with ranges that return tuples that are auto-expanded like e.g. `foreach (k,v; myDict)`. So IIRC the main reason why D's foreach magic isn't doing this is that it was argued that this problem is not significant enough to be worth fixing as there's enumerate and "there's bigger fish to fry".

Anyhow, I would be highly in favor of DMD doing this. It's one of those many things that I have on my list for D3 or a D fork.

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