On Wednesday, 24 June 2020 at 09:01:28 UTC, claptrap wrote:
On Wednesday, 24 June 2020 at 00:53:58 UTC, H. S. Teoh wrote:
On Tue, Jun 23, 2020 at 11:53:36PM +0000, claptrap via

If your implementations are based on built-in operators, you could use mixins to unify the implementations into one, e.g.:

Ah yeah thats useful, to expand a bit what about if the RHS is a different type?

Point!T opBinary(string op, RHS)(RHS rhs)
static if (is(RHS == Point!float) || is(RHS == Point!double))
        // .. etc..
    else static if (is(RHS == float) || is(RHS == double))
        // etc...
    else static if (is(RHS == float[2]) || is(RHS == double[2]))
        // .. etc...
    assert(0); // type not supported

should that be split up?

I would say, depends on how you can implement what you need in the shortest way (with lest code-duplication). If one operator works with several types on RHS, but others don't, split the operators. If all operators work the same for same RHS type but different for different RHS types, split the types.

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