On Monday, 22 June 2020 at 14:32:21 UTC, Anton wrote:
I have a static library (.a) compiled with LDC for iOS platform. But I can't figure out how to correctly connect it to the project and call its functions. I've already linked binary with library to the project but IDE still doesn't see its classes and methods. Do I need to do some additional configurations?

When you say "IDE", I'm going to assume you're referring to Xcode. Xcode has absolutely no support for D at all.

Since the Objective-C support in LDC is so limited I would recommend creating `extern(C)` functions in the D code, which forwards to your D functions (or have the functions being `extern(C)` to begin with). Then you need to have these declarations available in a C header file, either created by using the `-HC` flag or by manually writing the declarations.

/Jacob Carlborg

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