On Tuesday, 30 June 2020 at 08:15:54 UTC, aberba wrote:
On Tuesday, 30 June 2020 at 00:33:41 UTC, Ali Çehreli wrote:
On 6/29/20 4:34 PM, aberba wrote:

> So with this, without the Thread.sleep() to block main from
exiting, the
> spawned thread  will terminate immediately.

You can call core.thread.thread_joinAll at the end of main.
So I tried that initially but my (){ writeln(...) } wasn't printing anything in console. Could that be related to stdout buffering? The program kept running though.

Seems weird. This works great on my machine:

import core.time : Duration, msecs;
import core.thread : Thread, thread_joinAll;
import std.concurrency : spawn, Tid, send, receiveTimeout;
import std.stdio : writeln;

private struct IntervalStop {}

Tid setInterval(Duration dur, void function() fn) {
    return spawn((Duration d, void function() f){
        while (!receiveTimeout(d, (IntervalStop s){})) {
    }, dur, fn);

void stopInterval(Tid tid) {

void main() {
auto a = setInterval(1000.msecs, (){ writeln("Hello from spawned thread A"); });
    // Stop it before it happens

auto b = setInterval(1000.msecs, (){ writeln("Hello from spawned thread B"); });
    // Let this one run a little

auto c = setInterval(1000.msecs, (){ writeln("Hello from spawned thread C"); }); // Sending the wrong message doesn't make it happen or stop prematurely
    c.send("Stop this at once!");


So I guess the error is elsewhere, but I'm not sure where and how.


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