On Wednesday, 1 July 2020 at 05:09:47 UTC, Cym13 wrote:
On Wednesday, 1 July 2020 at 05:04:28 UTC, Anthony wrote:
I'm trying to convert this c function:

bson_t *bson_new_from_json (const uint8_t *data, ssize_t len, bson_error_t *error);

Into a D function. This is my attempt:
extern(C) {
    struct bson_t;
    struct bson_error_t;

bson_t* bson_new_from_json(const uint8_t* data, long len, bson_error_t* error);

However when I try it, for example:

auto str_utf8 = str.toUTF8();
bson_error_t error

auto bson = bson_new_from_json(cast(const uint8_t*)str_utf8.ptr, -1, &error);

I get a "Program exited with code -11" message.
Does anyone know what I'm doing wrong?


I don't know the exact function you are trying to use, but -11 means "segmentation fault" on linux. This means that your program is trying to read or write a memory location that it is not supposed to. This typically happens during buffer overflows and similar memory corruption bugs.

One thing that jumps to me is the -1 in your call instead of the length. Without knowing the C function's implementation I would expect it to mean either "read before the array" which would be a buffer overflow or to have the special meaning of "deduce the string size yourself". In that last case I would expect bson_new_from_json to expect a NUL-terminated array, but I don't know if your UTF8 array is NUL-terminated.

Thanks for getting back to me.

Yeah I figured it was a segmentation fault, however, I don't know exactly how to pinpoint where this is happening. I'm wondering if there's anything wrong with how I'm casting the data since everything is self contained (assuming bson_new_from_json is correct since it works using c directly).

void foo() {
    import std.utf;
    import core.stdc.stdint;

    auto str_utf8 = "{\"a\":1}";
    bson_error_t error;

bson_new_from_json(cast(uint8_t*)str_utf8, (cast(uint8_t[])str_utf8).length, &error);

Re -1 in the call: Apparently it uses strlen() to deduce the size. However, I tried explicitly state the array length but had no luck.

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