On Monday, 6 July 2020 at 01:43:43 UTC, user1234 wrote:

import std;

struct AA
    void opIndexAssign(int v, string k) @nogc

void main(string[] args) @nogc
    AA myCustom;

    enum literal = ["one":1, "two":2].stringof[1..$-1];
    enum pairs   = literal.split(',').array;
    static foreach (p; pairs)
myCustom[mixin(p.split(':')[0])] = mixin(p.split(':')[1]);

`static foreach` actual works for AA literals in `@nogc` functions. So there's no need complicate things with `.stringof`:

struct Foo
    int a;
    int b;

enum literal = ["one": Foo(1, 2), "two": Foo(3, 4)];

struct AA
    void opIndexAssign(Foo value, string k) @nogc

void main() @nogc
    AA aa;

    static foreach (k, v; literal)
        aa[k] = v;

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