On Wednesday, 8 July 2020 at 20:11:05 UTC, IGotD- wrote:

int v;

enum sz = mySize!int // works, returns 46
enum sz2 = mySize(v) // doesn't work. Error: variable v cannot be read at compile time

Here we have a difference between C++ and D as C++ was able infer the size of v during compile time.

To add to other respondents' replies, you can pass something that is known at compile time, for example the .init value:

int v;
enum sz2 = mySize(v.init);
static assert(sz2 == 46);

This way the compiler is able to evaluate `mySize` at compile time.

Or use an alias template argument:

auto mySize(alias v)()
    return v.sizeof + 42;

int v;
enum sz = mySize!int;
enum sz2 = mySize!v;
static assert(sz == sz2);
static assert(sz == 46);

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