1) The D Language Reference says:

"There are four kinds of arrays..." with the first example being
"type*     Pointers to data"  and "int* p;  etc.

At the risk of sounding overly nitpicky, isn't a pointer to an integer simply a pointer to an integer? How does that pertain to an array?

2) "The total size of a static array cannot exceed 16Mb" What limits this? And with modern systems of 16GB and 32GB, isn't 16Mb excessively small? (an aside: shouldn't that be 16MB in the reference instead of 16Mb? that is, Doesn't b = bits and B = bytes)

3) Lastly, In the following code snippet, is arrayA and arrayB both allocated on the stack? And how does their scopes and/or lifetimes differ?

==== module1 =====
int[100] arrayA;
void main()
    int[100] arrayB;
    // ...
==== module1 =====

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