I have been trying to create a new array from an existing array that is effectively a view on the original array. This can be done with slices in D:

auto x = [1,  2,  3, 4,  5,
           6,  7,  8, 9,  10,
         11, 12, 13, 14, 15];
auto y = [0..5];

y a subset of the x array. If I do:

y[0] = 11;

x[0] will be modified to 11;

However I would like to have disjoint slices, something like this:

auto y = x[0..5, 9..14];

Which selects different disjoint parts of the array x, but is not allowed on T[]. I have tried something like:

double[] y;
y ~= x[0..5];
y ~= x[9..14];

But the act of appending results in array copying - breaks the reference with the original array. The only other thing I have considered is creating an array of references to each of the elements of x I would like but that just seems like overkill.

It would be good to know if there is a more straightforward way of doing this type of disjoint selection.

Thanks in advance.

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