On 8/21/20 10:01 AM, Andrey Zherikov wrote:
How can I get __FILE__ and __LINE__ values correct in case of import expression?

So the output from line #16 (1) is correct although from line #17 (2) is not: file name is neither 'test.d' not 'foo.d' and line number is 22 although both test.d and foo.d are shorter.

You can override the filename and line number to the lexer: https://dlang.org/spec/lex.html#special-token-sequence

vibe.d does this so when errors from the trans-piled diet files happen, they match (mostly) back to the diet file, not the source file where they are mixed in.

I understand that I can create a workaround but want to check first whether this is desired behavior or a bug that should be fixed?

That's a good question. I would say it should say line 17 or line 6 (preferably the latter). That may be considered a bug, I don't know.


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