On Tuesday, 1 September 2020 at 01:11:35 UTC, Ben Jones wrote:
I have an alias that looks like

static if(...){
  alias AliasType = SumType!(...);

which I use in a template constraint for a function template:

bool func(T: AliasType!Args, Args...)(T t){ ... }

When I try to call func with an AliasType object, the argument deduction fails with a message saying that the argument type (a SumType) doesn't match the template constraint (an AliasType)

Things do work if I change the template constraint to be a SumType rather an an AliasType

Is there a workaround to this? Here's a complete example: https://run.dlang.io/is/buRGTs

This is a very old known bug:


Attempts have been made to fix it, but the problem is a lot more complicated than it looks at first glance, so I wouldn't expect a solution any time soon.

Aside from using SumType directly in the function signature, another workaround is to use a wrapper struct instead of an alias:

    struct AliasType(Args...) {
        SumType!Args data;
        alias data this;

    bool func(T : AliasType!Args, Args...)(T t) { ... }

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