
I'm trying to upgrade and improve an Android project I was working on a while ago. For this reason, I decided to upgrade my compiler to the newest LDC (v1.23.0).

I am using the arsd.jni library for the JNI headers and for initializing the runtime. However, I am getting linker errors, telling me that _tlsend, _tlsstart and __bss_end__ are missing.

So I tried to fix these by adding empty declarations for them myself (as I saw in another post):

extern(C) __gshared
    int _tlsstart = 0;
    int _tlsend = 0;

However, when doing this, it causes my app to crash, specifically on jni.d:1033 when calling `Runtime.initialize()`. The stack trace shows there is an assertion error in rt.sections_android in the foreach body of `getStaticTLSRange`.

I also tried adding an empty `void main() {}` instead, with the same result.

PR #2991 in dlang/druntime seems to have changed the way the TLS is emulated on Android or something. I have no clue what is going on and how to fix these errors, so if someone could help that would be much appreciated.

Thank you.

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