Can a typesafe D variadic function, or D variadic template pass its parameters to a C variadic function?

I maintain a library binding [0] to htslib, a high-performance and very widely used C library for high-throughput sequencing (hts) data files. We use this internally and haven't polished it for a release on the announce forum or biomed twitter, etc. yet.

In the course of upgrading it to support the latest API/ABI (htslib-1.10 / so.3), I need to add support for several new functions.

One of these is a variadic function with the signature:

`int sam_hdr_add_line(sam_hdr_t *h, const char *type, ...);`

Of course, we can call this directly from D with hardcoded parameters. However, one of the focuses of our library is "bindings + wrappers" to make this feel more like native D. Thus, we want a variadic function to which we may pass D strings (it is also a struct member function).

With help from Herringway on IRC, we came up with a solution using mixin:

    /// Add a single line to an existing header
    auto addLine(T...)(RecordType type, T kvargs)
    if(kvargs.length > 0 && isSomeString!(T[0]))
static assert (kvargs.length %2 == 0); // K-V pairs => even number of variadic args

        string varargMagic(size_t len)
            string args = "sam_hdr_add_line(this.h, type.ptr, ";
            for(int i=0; i<len; i++)
                args ~= "toStringz(kvargs[" ~!string ~ "]), ";
            args ~= "null)";
            return args;

        return mixin(varargMagic(kvargs.length));

Interestingly, compilation fails if the mixin consists only of the comma-separated parameters ("Comma expression" [1])

If a variadic template, despite presenting to the user a "dynamic array", MUST know its parameter list at compile-time, is there a way (other than with mixins as shown) to pass this parameter list to extern(C) linkage function with variadic parameters?

(bonus question: if yes, can it be done with typesafe variadic function where I believe parameter list is known at either compile time OR runtime, depending on how called)

Thanks all in advance

[0] dhtslib


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