On Thursday, 17 September 2020 at 09:44:20 UTC, claptrap wrote:

Names are important, principle of least astonishment and all that, pretty much everyone coming to D is going be WTF in learning about that. And if you keep overloading existing keywords with more and more meanings the code gets harder and harder to grep at first glance.

I can attest that in the 17 years I've been hanging around here, the fact that enum is used to indicate a manifest constant has not been a serious source of WTF posts. So I think "pretty much everyone coming to D" have decided it's either perfectly fine or perfectly tolerable. It's the sort of thing that may not be obvious, but once you figure you absorb it and get down to coding. I know some people would prefer it were something else and some don't care. I'm squarely in the camp that thinks it makes perfect sense and it would be silly to create a new keyword for it.

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