I have this code:
class S
    int i = -1;

    this(int n) { i = n; writeln(i," ",__PRETTY_FUNCTION__); }
    ~this() { writeln(i," ",__PRETTY_FUNCTION__); }

auto create()
    writeln("-> ",__PRETTY_FUNCTION__);
    scope(exit) writeln("<- ",__PRETTY_FUNCTION__);

    return scoped!S(1);

auto do_something(S s)
    writeln("-> ",s.i," ",__PRETTY_FUNCTION__);
    scope(exit) writeln("<- ",s.i," ",__PRETTY_FUNCTION__);

    return s;

auto do_lazy(lazy S s)
    writeln("-> ",__PRETTY_FUNCTION__);
    scope(exit) writeln("<- ",__PRETTY_FUNCTION__);

    return s;

void main()
    writeln("-> ",__PRETTY_FUNCTION__);
    scope(exit) writeln("<- ",__PRETTY_FUNCTION__);

This is the output:
-> void test.main()
-> test.do_lazy(lazy S s)
-> test.create()
1 S test.S.this(int n)
<- test.create()
1 void test.S.~this()                (1)
<- test.do_lazy(lazy S s)
-> 1703096 test.do_something(S s)    (2)
<- 1703104 test.do_something(S s)    (3)
<- void test.main()

Why is dtor called before returning from do_lazy function - see (1)? It seems cause uninitialized parameter in do_something call after it in (2)-(3).

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