On Friday, 18 September 2020 at 11:38:14 UTC, wjoe wrote:
Something like this:

configuration "lib" {
  targetType "dynamicLibrary"
  sourceDir "source/lib/"

configuration "app" {
  targetType "executable"
  sourceFiles "source/app.d"
  linkWith "lib"

I found subConfiguration in the docs but that seems to be related to external dependencies.

app.d merely provides a CLI to the library as well as an option to run as a server. I don't want to have the overhead of an entire git repo and such for something that is a single file and also closely related to the library.

yes just add 2 configurations, use mainSourceFile to specify the file with main()

        "configurations": [
                "name": "default",
                "targetPath": "bin",
                "targetType": "executable",
                "mainSourceFile": "main/main.d"
                "sourcePaths": ["src/"],
                "name": "lib",
                "targetType": "dynamicLibrary",
                "sourcePaths": ["src/"],

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