On Wednesday, 23 September 2020 at 18:37:45 UTC, wjoe wrote:
I have some similar functions:

void register(C: IFoo)()

void register(C)() if (behavesLikeFoo!C)

There are more overloads with parameters so I want to merge them

void register(C, ARGS...)(ARGS args) if (behavesLikeFoo!C || isInstanceOf!(C, IFoo))

I found a lot of information on how to do this at runtime but not at compile time. std.traits: isInstanceOf doesn't work. Neither did anything I tried with typeid etc.

The behavesLikeFoo constraint works as expected but it accepts any class no matter whether or not it implements the interface.

see if "import std.traits: isImplicitlyConvertible" helps you.

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