On 9/27/20 3:06 AM, Ferhat Kurtulmuş wrote:

> __gshared DList!Entry queue;
> __gshared bool shouldRun = true;

Have you considered passing messages with std.concurrency.send() and std.concurrency.receive() and friends? You wouldn't need 'queue' because all of your threads already have mail boxes to send messages to each other.

> void worker() {
>      while(shouldRun){
>          auto r = queue[];
>          if(!r.empty && queue.back.st < Clock.currTime){
>              writeln(queue.back); // consume the value
> sendPWMSignalToValfe(pwmval)
>              queue.popLastOf(r);
>          }
>      }
> }

It's not clear whether it's only in your test code but busy-waiting like that will make your CPU very warm. :) Since requests cannot pass each other, your worker thread should have something like the following in that loop:

import core.thread;


Depending on how accurate the operating system honors your sleep requests (e.g. is it real-time?), you may want to sleep less than 'duration' and then busy-wait the rest of the duration. Similar to the difference between spinForce() and yieldForce() of std.parallelism (I understand that your solution should not involve std.parallelism):


As an improvement when defining durations, you don't need to "hide" units in comments:

        // enum afterNmilliseconds = 1500;

        // Instead:
        enum after = 1500.msecs;

msecs and friends are defined in core.time:



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