I have a Vibe.D server binary that, locally at least, works. But only without TLS. I want to add TLS to it and test it locally with a self-signed certificate. I made one with LibreSSL, stored in `cert.crt` and `key.key`. The application main function:

shared static this()
{   import vibe.d;

//the program does check the key files are there before starting to listen
[ tuple("salasanatiivisteet", "generoi salasanojen tarkistuslista ennen palvelimen käynnistämistä, salasanageneraattorilla"), tuple("key.key", "TLS-avain puuttuu. Sen pitäisi olla nimeltään key.key"), tuple("cert.crt", "TLS-sertifikaatti puuttuu. Sen pitäisi olla nimeltään cert.crt"),
        if (!fileCheck[0].exists || !fileCheck[0].isFile)
    {   fileCheck[1].logInfo;

    auto settings = new HTTPServerSettings;
    enum portNumber = 8080;
    settings.port = portNumber;
    settings.bindAddresses = ["::1", ""];
    settings.sessionStore = new MemorySessionStore;

    // these three lines added
    settings.tlsContext = createTLSContext(TLSContextKind.server);

    // inrelevant stuff...

    listenHTTP(settings, router);

It compiles and starts to listen just like normal, but when trying to enter the localhost URL, the browser announces "the connection was reset" and this is logged ten times in the server side:
HTTP connection handler has thrown: Accepting SSL tunnel: error:1408F09C:SSL routines:ssl3_get_record:http request (336130204)

The server then resumes listening, printing another ten errors if trying to re-enter the page. Linked openssl.sa is 1.1.1g (the original, not LibreSSL). Relevant DUB package configuration:
"dependencies": {
  "vibe-d": "~>0.9.2",
  "vibe-d:tls": "*"
"subConfigurations": {"vibe-d:tls": "openssl-1.1"},
"versions": [ "VibeHighEventPriority" ],
"versions": [ "VibeDefaultMain" ]

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