On Fri, 18 Feb 2011 16:15:16 -0500, Sean Eskapp <eatingstap...@gmail.com> wrote:

Is there a way to "run" a template at compile time, without using a member? What I'm trying to do is verify that every element of a tuple is a class type,
and so far, I've been doing this:

template VerifyTuple(Type, Types...)
static assert(is(Type : Object), Type.stringof ~ " is not a class type.");

        static if(Types.length == 0)
                alias void dummy;
                alias VerifyTuple!(Types).dummy dummy;

and to use it, I have to do this:
class Foo(T...)
    alias VerifyTuple!(T).dummy dummy;

Is there any way to just "run" the template, without bothering to use the
dummy aliases?

eponymous should help (also cleaned up some of your code):

template VerifyTuple(Types...)
   static if(Types.length == 0)
      enum bool VerifyTuple = true;
enum bool VerifyTuple == is(Type : Object) && VerifyTuple!(Types[1..$]);

class Foo(T...)
static assert(VerifyTuple!(T...), "one of types in " ~ T.stringof ~ " is not a class");

It doesn't identify the specific type that isn't a class, but that could be done with a separate template.


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