Hi all,

my question would be about using D or not using D. Is the newest C++ iteration any good compared to D?

The reason I haven't used C++ anymore for years is that I was too naive sometimes. I tried to use new features in Visual C++, found myself being like a beta-tester for some things.

And the way C++ was always able to frustrate me is mainly, when undefined behavior takes too long to take effect. Sometimes I must have had bad luck, or I'm too silly. But for some subtle bugs in my hobbyist C++ past the solution would have been to rewrite a lot of code. Sometimes it was just too much work to get anything done at all.

When I used shared pointers, it got better. But it got a little bit ugly, too. And in general, being encouraged or forced to write boiler plate code was also frustrating.

I haven't looked into the newest C++. In theory, they might have added something helpful in the past years.

Anyone have any thoughts how C++ and D compare?

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