On Thursday, 3 December 2020 at 00:58:20 UTC, Paul Backus wrote:
On Thursday, 3 December 2020 at 00:30:06 UTC, Kyle Ingraham wrote:

// EDSDKTypes.h
typedef struct __EdsObject* EdsBaseRef;
typedef EdsBaseRef EdsCameraListRef;


// edsdk.d
struct EdsBaseRef;
alias EdsBaseRef EdsCameraListRef;

You've dropped a level of indirection here. In the C header, EdsBaseRef is a pointer, but in your D code, it is an opaque struct.

The correct way to translate these C declarations into D is:

struct __EdsObject;
alias EdsBaseRef = __EdsObject*;
alias EdsCameraListRef = EdsBaseRef;

Note that unlike C, D does not allow us to refer to an incomplete type without first declaring it.

That did it. The binding works without issue now. Thanks a ton for the direction.

I'll keep that distinction between C and D in mind as I go forward.

It's been night and day between D and C++. I struggled for a while getting this work going in C++ but was firmly blocked by CMake. D and dub have been champs for ease of use.

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