
I've just made this unicode wordreplacer function working, but It seems not too nice and functional-ish.
Are there ways to make it more simple?

import std.stdio, std.range, std.algorithm, std.uni, std.utf, std.conv;

bool isWordChar(dchar ch){
    return isAlphaNum(ch) || ch=='_';

string replaceWords(alias fun = isWordChar)(string str, string from, string to){
    auto res = appender!string();
    auto src = str.byCodePoint;
    foreach(isWord, len; str.map!fun.group){
        auto act = src.take(len).text;

        res.put(isWord && act==from ? to : act);

void main(){
immutable str = "Type=FunctionType Type; éType Type2: Type aTypeb Type";
    str.replace("Type", "AsmType").writeln;
    str.replaceWords("Type", "AsmType").writeln;

Thanks in advance!

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