On Sunday, 20 December 2020 at 14:07:56 UTC, Rekel wrote:

The template parameter serves to make Flag!"foo" a distinct type from Flag!"bar".
Does this mean other flag yes's will not be accepted?


Also regarding the other examples given, why does Phobos use templating so heavily, in situation in which I am totally confused as to why generics would be necessary. I seem to be totally confused as to how this template system works. It was introduced as a kind of generic, like in Java, but things like 'string s' seem to me like parameters.

Java's generics are good for what they do, bolted onto an existing language in a non-breaking way as they were, but they are a pale shadow of a real metaprogramming system. D's template metaprogramming is not anything like Java generics. It's more akin to C++ templates---much more powerful than what Java offers you.

If Java's generics are all you know, then breaking through your confusion and answering your questions is going to require more than a forum post. You'll want to read up and get some hands on.

I have an introductory post on the D blog which is the first in a series (that I'll have finally have time to continue in the new year). It goes over the very, very basics:


After you read that introduction, you should look into Ali's coverage of templates in 'Programming in D':


When you're ready for more, Phillippe Sigaud's tutorial is excellent (though several old, it's still mostly relevant):


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