On Friday, 15 January 2021 at 06:15:06 UTC, dog2002 wrote:

void func(string inputFile, string outFile, uint chunk_size) {
        try {
                File _inputFile = File(inputFile, "r");
                File _outputFile = File(outFile, "w");
                ubyte[] tempBuffer = _inputFile.rawRead(new ubyte[](512));
                //doing some operations with the tempBuffer     

                _inputFile.seek(tempBuffer.length, SEEK_SET);
                foreach(_buffer; _inputFile.byChunk(chunk_size)) {
        catch (Throwable) {}


You can save a little bit of memory here by allocating tempBuffer on the stack:

    ubyte[512] tempBuffer;
    _inputFile.rawRead(tempBuffer[]); // note the explicit []

    // ...


However, those allocations alone shouldn't be enough to get you to 4GB+, so the real issue is probably elsewhere.

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