On Thursday, 21 January 2021 at 13:55:48 UTC, kdevel wrote:
int main ()
   string[string] aa;
   goto A;               // line 4
   aa["X"] = "Y";        // line 5
   return 0;

$ dmd gotoskip.d
gotoskip.d(4): Error: goto skips declaration of variable gotoskip.main.__aaval2 at gotoskip.d(5)

What's wrong here? Only found Issue 11977 [1] in which a declaration and initialization is jumped over. However, the statement in line 5 is neither
a declaration nor an initialization.

[1] https://issues.dlang.org/show_bug.cgi?id=11977

__aaval2 is a compiler-generated temporary variable. If you comment out the `goto A;` (so that the code compiles) and use the compiler flag -vcg-ast, you can see its declaration:

int main()
        string[string] aa = null;
        // goto A;
        (string __aaval2 = "Y";) , aa["X"] = __aaval2;
        return 0;

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